The mountainous region Serra do Mar in Brazil extends throughout approximately 932 miles along the Brazilian south and southeast coast. It goes from Rio de Janeiro to the north of Santa Catarina state. Serra do Mar represents a huge geological value, with diversity and richness in it’s Fauna and Flora, housing several conservation units in Brazil.
The region belongs to a Brazilian mineral complex being consisted in majority by Granite and Gneiss rocks. Serra do Mar in Brazil is also a Public Heritage, nominated by São Paulo state, where it crosses the whole coast. The topography of Serra do Mar derives of many factors, like the different resistance of the rocks, failures in the topography and successive weather changes. In some sections Serra do Mar in Brazil presents itself as escarpment, however in others it’s formed by marginal mountain ranges. The altitudes vary between 500 to 2.300 meters above the sea level.
Serra Dos Órgãos in Rio de Janeiro is the border of this sequence of mountains. That’s where the highest peaks in the whole Serra do Mar are located. Among them, Pedra do Sino in Teresópolis with 2.255 meters high, Pico da Caledônia in Nova Friburgo standing 2.257 meters high and other high peaks located in Parque Estadual dos Três Picos park and conservation unit. The highest one being the Pico Maior de Friburgo standing 2.366 meters of altitude, the exact culmination point of Serra do Mar.
The proximity of the mountains with the ocean in São Paulo north coast is incredible, presenting it’s apex in the city of Ubatuba. Serra do Mar in Brazil also houses the highest mountains of Paraná state. Among those there are Pico Paraná with 1.922 meters, the Caratuva with 1856 meters, the Siririca and its 1.740 meters and the most famous Marumbi with 1.551 meters high.
Further south on Serra do Mar in Brazil, other marginal mountain ranges appears as the Iquiririm. This one located in the border of Paraná with Santa Catarina states.
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