Nattrip is a reliable travel agency, operator and DMC, experts in adventure in Brazil. Several of the products that we commercialize are our own operations, some are joint operations and others are partnership operations. In relation to our own operation in Brazil, we work with regularity, rapid response and compliance with ISO-21101 (Safety Management Systems) in all the tours. Nattrip Group Leaders are also professional tour guides and our expeditions offer remote satellite monitoring.
According to these values, it is our mission to ensure that suppliers are compatible. We are ACTA, ABETA and more recently ATTA associated. Nattrip is a company that was created from scratch and without capital leverage. Founded in 2010, grew up under a lot of sweat and sacrifice. We never gave up the ethics and values we bring with us, and we never will. Our team emanates our passion for tourism and adventure wherever we go.
The year 2010 marked the beginning of an arduous journey of creation of the company Nattrip. Accessibility to ecotourism and adventure tourism was restricted, especially in Rio de Janeiro. There were still severe restrictions of public use to the existing Conservation Units, which went some way against what the world was experiencing. While other countries created policies to increase protected area visitation in an attempt to increase preservation, using the “understand to protect” approach, Brazil believed that prohibiting access was the best way to protect.
Thanks to the incessant work of some conservation, tourism and sports entities, as well as some spheres of public power, this premise has gradually changed, giving space to a greater offer of experiences in natural environment. We understand that people, whether tourists or residents, needed tours and specialized services to practice the activities that these places provided. This is to promote a healthy life and generate environmental knowledge by insertion into the environment, creating a basis for environmental sustainability, responsibility, mutual conviviality and protection.
That’s when we decided to create a company specialized in the eco-adventure segment, which could promote the sector with responsibility. A form of entertainment that creates environmental education by osmosis. However the mission of Nattrip was beyond just being a company that provides nature and adventure tours.
We design the company’s performance in all aspects of tourism in Brazil, aiming to be a national reference, which can translate into quality assurance. Today Nattrip is one of the main agencies and operators of receptive tourism in Rio de Janeiro, a respected adventure operator in Brazil and has been showing all its power in the corporate, educational and travel segments.
“Protect by enjoying and understanding, never forbidding!”
Nattrip’s mission as an agency, operator and DMC is to provide high-quality tours, experiences and sensations that exceed expectations, producing entertainment with quality of life and consequently environmental knowledge by insertion into the environment, contributing to the growth of the national tourism market and with the Environmental Conservation Units in which we operate.
From this mission, we have established a unique goal: to make Nattrip the largest specialist in adventure tourism in Brazil. Act with social responsibility, respect for the environment, safety and ethical principles. Know our safety policy. Our vision is to become the largest representative of adventure travel in Brazil.
Nattrip has 6 divisions specialized in each segment of Tourism. They are:
- Rio de Janeiro Receptive – Adventures
- Promotes and organizes tours and adventure activities in the city of Rio de Janeiro. We offer diverse modalities of experiences and sports practices applied to the tourism, like Trails, Bike Tours, Kayak, Climbing, Rapel, Gliding Flights, among others.
- Rio de Janeiro Receptive – Tourism
- Promotes and organizes tours in the state of Rio de Janeiro. In this division we work with experiences and sightseeing tours. Besides the capital, we offer tours to some other cities of our state.
- Expeditions
- This division represents Adventure Tourism at its highest level. These are tours that most of the time involve an overnight stay in a natural environment, whether camping, mountain shelter or using infrastructure from local communities. Always respecting the rules of visitation, as well as minimum impact, protecting the various Conservation Units visited.
- Excursions
- Nattrip promotes travel events and tours to many of our country’s attractions. There are options for everyone. Keep an eye on our calendar and join tour groups.
- Corporate & MICE
- Corporate advisory, group dynamics, team building and other options are worked with plenty of customization in this division of Nattrip. These are tourism solutions applied to the corporate environment in various aspects.
- Pedagogical
- In-the-field experiences and classes focused on the educational sector, from children’s to higher education. We have several options programmed to meet the practical demands of teaching, as well as a team dedicated to understanding the needs of educators and developing solutions together that can approach the educational program content in experiment and experience.
Our team is composed of experienced adventure practitioners with many interesting achievements! Our focus is always to maximize the relationship entertainment vs. safety!
The Nattrip company was built from scratch, with sweat and dedication of all who passed through our team. We have a brand and a market position to watch over, a mission to fulfill and a goal that guides us.
Our premises are:
- Professionalism: We are not here to play, we are developing a serious work, which provides quality and tranquility so that our customers can play.
- Quality: Everything we do, takes our whim. Good is to be excellent! Excellent is knowing that you can always improve.
- Flexibility: There are difficulties in everything in life, we also face several difficulties daily. We will always try to help and always appreciate the help of others. Adaptability and unity are fundamental to overcoming difficulties.
- Happiness: Everything we do, we do smiling, because we like to do. We realize dreams and this is priceless!
Nattrip believes that these values must be in agreement and synchronized with all our suppliers and collaborators.
The 10 truths we believe in
We wrote these “10 things” in June 2016 when Nattrip made its major organizational restructuring, hiring new managers and guides for the first time. From time to time, we review this list to see if it still reflects the truth. We hope so, and you can charge us that!
1 – Focus on the customer and everything else will come.
Since the beginning of Nattrip, the focus has been to provide the best possible experience to our client. Whether designing a new service or a new fit in existing services, we take great care to ensure that the primary benefit goes to the customer and not to our internal results or goals. The interface of our home page is clear and simple and the other pages load instantly. Positions in search results determine what information and services are available, returning extremely relevant content. When we create a new service or post a new post on our blog, we believe they should work so well that the user does not need to think about how they could have been created in a different way.
2 – It is better to choose one thing and do it very well.
Our main business is innovation. Being one of the main adventure tourism agencies in Rio de Janeiro, focused exclusively on offering tourism services, specialized in adventure tourism, we know what we do and we know how to constantly improve. Despite the continued recurrence of a few problems, we were able to solve complex issues and continue to provide enhancements to a service that has already made the complex operation of Adventure Travel a pleasant, challenging and safe experience, simplified for thousands of people. Our dedication to service improvement helps us apply what we learn to new products and departments, such as Excursions/Travel and Pedagogical Tourism. Our hope is to make Adventure Travel accessible to areas not yet explored and to help people access and use our services and content even more in their lives.
3 – Fast is better than slow.
We know your time is valuable, so when you’re looking for a response on the Web, you want to get it right away, and we want to satisfy you. By removing small overflows from our pages and increasing the efficiency of our service environment, we break our own records so many times that the average response time in a search result is a fraction of a second. We always think of the speed in each service we launch, be it a ride, a travel package or content created and directed to serve and inform current and potential customers in the best way. And we keep working to make everything happen even better.
4 – Democracy works on the Internet.
Nattrip’s site works because it relies on thousands of searches to help identify and deliver value-added services and content. We evaluate the importance of each tour using several features, signals and a variety of techniques, which analyzes whether a given product or content has the best information and offering formats. As Nattrip grows, this approach gets better and better, as each new product or post is one more point of information and another vote to be accounted for. In the same vein, we strive to develop qualified training for our employees, and that innovation then occurs through collective effort.
5 – You do not need to be at your desk to need an answer.
The world is increasingly mobile: people want access to good information anytime, anywhere. We deliver quality content and services that help our clients realize dreams. In addition, we expect to contribute with increasingly better content and services to our customers.
6 – It is possible to make money without doing evil.
Nattrip is a company. The earnings are the result of the sale of services and advertising displayed on our site and in other Nattrip communication channels. We advertise and promote our products and content to the world by applying Digital Marketing methods. Hundreds of thousands of people use our content and services to obtain relevant information related to tourism and adventure tourism. We believe that advertising and propaganda can be effective without being flashy. We do not advertise or show content in pop-up as this interferes with the ability to view the content you requested. Nattrip advertising is always clearly identified with a “Link”, logo or address to some contact channel, so subtly so as not to compromise the integrity of the transmitted message. Our users trust our objectivity, and no short-term gain justifies the act of breaching that trust.
7 – There will always be more information.
After having innovated in the way it sells and offers tours on the Internet, our collaborators turned their attention to our Blog, with information and content with a little more difficult access. This was just a matter of integrating new databases with a bit more creativity. Our employees are still looking for ways to get all the tourist information from the places we work to people who are looking for answers.
8 – The search for information crosses all borders.
Our company was founded in Rio de Janeiro, but our mission is to facilitate access to Tourism and Adventure Tourism in Brazil for all the people of the world.
9 – It’s possible to be serious without wearing a suit.
Our founders have created Nattrip with the idea that the work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun. We believe that incredible and creative things are more likely to happen to the right culture in the company. And that does not just mean lava lights and rubber balls. There is an emphasis on team accomplishments and a pride in individual accomplishments that contribute to our success. We have high expectations for our employees, people who are willing and passionate about what we offer, come from different places and with creative approaches to work, leisure and life. Our environment may be haphazard, but as new ideas emerge in our day-to-day, team meeting, or Happy Hour experiences, they are shared, tested, and delivered with breakneck speed, and can be the first step in development of a project that could gain a body and become another pillar of the company.
10 – Excellent is still not enough.
For us, being the best is the starting point and not the point of arrival. We are aware that the established goals can not yet be achieved, because we know that it is through the effort to reach them that we will reach even further than we expected. Through innovation and interaction, we aim to take what already works well and improve. For example, when our team found that Expedition customers naturally stayed one more day after completing the Ilha Grande Trekking Expedition, the agency prepared to include guidance to one more attraction on the Island on this extra day.
“Even if you do not know exactly what you are looking for, just knowing that you want to visit Rio de Janeiro and finding an answer on our site becomes a must for us. We try to anticipate needs not yet articulated by our client and serve them with products and services that set new standards.” – Vinicius Viegas, CMO
Safety Policy
Through a methodology for monitoring the risks inherent in the promoted adventure activities, Nattrip applies its Safety Policy, developed for the continuous improvement of the quality provided in the experiences offered.
With a team focused on providing the maximum fun/safety ratio, we apply monitoring and evaluation of the experiences offered through the debriefing procedure with our field team and also our clients.
We aim to operate adventure tourism activities that impact as little as possible on the environment and life in this environment, based on the identification, evaluation and control of risks that may be presented. Through a safety management system, which consists of a methodology for monitoring the risks inherent in the activities carried out, the aim is to minimize impact and control risks.
Our security policy is based on the following principles:
- Minimizing risks to life and maintaining the integrity of all those involved in the activities, seeking excellence in the experiences offered;
- Continuous improvement of the services provided, adhering to an ethical and professional standard;
- Attendance to Environmental Laws always aiming at adequacy. Conformity with all other pertinent norms to practice with safety all the Adventure Tourism activities offered;
- Compliance with Consumer Protection Laws, for the customers which will be enjoying the service;
- Sustainable use of environmental goods using incentive measures to reduce the impacts that may result from the activities offered;
- Cyclical monitoring of activities through a debriefing procedure, aiming minimization of inherent risks;
- Use of equipment certified by competent entities (UIAA, CE and CA) and recognized by the market, being checked on each use by the field and operational team;
- Training of our employees;
- Inform our clients about activities and their characteristics, guiding and educating during practice, generating value for society;
- Always meet the expectations of our customers, overcome them when possible;
Work with us
Contrata-se realizador de sonhos!
Quer fazer carreira em uma Agência de Turismo especializada em Turismo de Aventura no Brasil?
Se você é apaixonado por viagens, turismo e aventura, VENHA FAZER PARTE DESTA EQUIPE! A Nattrip é a principal agência de turismo no Rio de Janeiro especializada em Ecoturismo e Aventura. Oferecemos passeios de City tour, Trilhas, Rapel, Escalada, Asa Delta, Parapente, Paraquedismo, Excursões, Viagens, Travessias e Expedições pelo Rio de Janeiro e outras regiões.
O Brasil foi reconhecido pelo Fórum Econômico Mundial como o país com maior potencial turístico em recursos naturais do mundo. E o Turismo de Aventura é porta de entrada para os esportes de aventura. A cada ano a Nattrip tem tido a felicidade e oportunidade de levar cada vez mais clientes para as melhores experiências de aventura que o Brasil tem a oferecer. Nossos clientes são exigentes com relação à qualidade dos serviços oferecidos e produtos utilizados durante as atividades.
A Nattrip se orgulha em ser líder de mercado no Rio de Janeiro nos segmentos de Ecoturismo, Aventuras e Expedições, e está à procura de Guias de Turismo e Condutores de Turismo de Aventura que queiram crescer conosco.
Nossa missão é prover tours e guiamento especializado em Turismo de Aventura no Brasil, experiências e sensações em alta qualidade que superem as expectativas dos clientes, gerando entretenimento com qualidade de vida e conhecimento ambiental por inserção ao meio, o que contribui com o crescimento do mercado de Turismo de Aventura Nacional e consequentemente com as unidades de conservação ambientais.
Temos como principais atividades os guiamentos nos departamentos de Turismo Receptivo Tradicional e de Turismo de Aventura no Rio de Janeiro, Travessias e Expedições pelo Brasil, Turismo Pedagógico, Turismo de Excursão e Turismo Corporativo incluindo dinâmicas de grupo. É uma excelente oportunidade para profissionais que queiram trabalhar e se aperfeiçoar em diversas esferas do TURISMO MODERNO.
Estamos em plena expansão no Brasil e em busca de novos talentos. Damos treinamentos e possibilidade de desenvolvimento. Se você é Guia de Turismo, Esportista, tem paixão por conduzir pessoas em atividades de aventura e disponibilidade para trabalhar aos finais de semana e feriados, venha fazer parte do nosso time!
– Plano de desenvolvimento
– Treinamentos
– Gerenciamento constante
– Autonomia
– Equipe jovem e dinâmica
Se você gostou e tem desejo de trabalhar conosco, nos envie seu curriculum o mais rápido possível!
Review and follow us
We always like to show our next customers what our previous customers found of our service. So we invite you to register a review of your tour, as well as post and follow photos, reports, experiences and promotions. Visit Nattrip fanpages in Facebook and Instagram.
We would also like to invite you to check the reports and reviews on Nattrip’s TripAdvisor . If you have already been our customer, we invite you to post a review! We always like to know what our customers found of our service.
The Nattrip
The name Nattrip is an acronym for Natural Trip, name that defines the essence of the agency, which promotes environmental education and respect for the environment in all the activities it organizes.
Nattrip Objective